WP Kit LIsts

Every once in awhile it's time to go through the kits and weed them out so as to make room for the new ones.  These lists will help keep you updated as to what kits are available and which kits no longer exist.  Thank you for supporting me and I hope you continue to do so.

PTU KITS - These kits are available to purchase
WP - AGirlInTheWorld      
WP - Alice               
WP - ALittleBitVintage      
WP - ALittleCorny          
WP - AMidnightKiss          
WP - AngelsAbove          
WP - ArtOfLiving          
WP - BeautifulDreamer      
WP - BehindClosedDoors      
WP - BeyondTheWorld       
WP - Bootifulbash          
WP - BoulevardOfDreams      
WP - BreathlessMoments      
WP - CandyGothic          
WP - CandyO          
WP - CelebrateGoodTimes      
WP - CheersNHugs          
WP - CherisedMoments          
WP - CupcakeAttitude          
WP - CupCakeRainbow          
WP - DeadlyDesires          
WP - DelicateWhimsy          
WP - DeliriouslyDelilah      
WP - DeputyBradHotCop      
WP - DivineBeauty          
WP - DudesRockToo          
WP - ElfinAround          
WP - EmolutionParty          
WP - Eternity          
WP - ExquisiteHarmony      
WP - FairyWhispers          
WP - FallingForYou          
WP - ForTheLoveOfJewel      
WP - FredrikaFreedomFighter      
WP - FunkYou          
WP - GeekLikeMe          
WP - Ginger          
WP - GoneStonage      
WP - GothicLolita          
WP - GraciousBeauty          
WP - HappyBirthday          
WP - HeadedToTheChapel      
WP - HollywoodGlam          
WP - HopeWhispers          
WP - IChewsYou          
WP - Jackie          
WP - JailhouseGangstersOfLove  
WP - JamMaster          
WP - Jess              
WP - LadyBea          
WP - LibbysLullaby          
WP - LittleMrsDebbie          
WP - LoveyBearFun          
WP - MadAsAHatter          
WP - MaeJaysIceCreamShoppe      
WP - MagicalFriends          
WP - MagicInTheWoods      
WP - MakeAWish          
WP - MelodyOfMySoul      
WP - MistressOfTheNightMaddox  
WP - MySoxieGirl-Tagger      
WP - NaniOKanalani          
WP - NaturesTea          
WP - NewAgeOutlaws          
WP - Ollie              
WP - OneWickedNight          
WP - OnTheWingsOfEternity      
WP - OverTheMoo4You      
WP - PamperMe            
WP - PartyRock          
WP - PenguinParty          
WP - PiratesWanted          
WP - PixieMagic          
WP - Pride              
WP - PrincessKLaniesKingdom      
WP - PuddleJumpers          
WP - PuppyLoveKisses          
WP - QueenBeeatrice          
WP - RaindropsFallingOnMyHead      
WP - RidingTheRails          
WP - RockLove          
WP - RockNRollUniversity      
WP - RosesForMama          
WP - Roxy              
WP - SamanthaTheSassy      
WP - Seduction          
WP - SinfullyDelightful      
WP - SkullPrincess          
WP - Snooki          
WP - Solitaire          
WP - SophisticatedChic      
WP - SparklingSolstice      
WP - SpookMeBaby          
WP - SpooktacularAcademy      
WP - SteamPunkTrio-Magazine      
WP - Steff              
WP - StrawberryKisses      
WP - SugarAndSpice          
WP - SummerCottage          
WP - Suzanne          
WP - SweetSassyOfMine     
WP - SweetSnowParty          
WP - SweetSuzanna          
WP - SynClairSkully          
WP - TheBigTopParade          
WP - TheClubhouse          
WP - TheWitchingHour      
WP - ThisIsMe          
WP - TillDeathDoUsPart      
WP - Timeless          
WP - TimesPast          
WP - UnderTheSea          
WP - ValentineArrows          
WP - WelcomeToMyLife      
WP - WeWishYouTheMerriest      
WP - WishesForTheWorld       

FTU KITS - These kits are Free To Use
WP - AdamsHeart              
WP - ALittleBirdieToldMe          
WP - AllItsGlory              
WP - AlwaysInLove              
WP - AmazingAmericanaAnnie          
WP - AnAutumnRomance          
WP - AngelicKatie              
WP - AutumnGarden              
WP - BackToBasics
WP - BeautifulBaby              
WP - BooParty              
WP - Bootastic              
WP - Cameo Heart              
WP - ChefOtelia              
WP - Christina              
WP - CindyLee              
WP - ComingOutOfTheDark          
WP - CoolCoolSummer              
WP - Courage              
WP - DancingStar-Tagger          
WP - DangerouslySweet          
WP - DarkAngel              
WP - DarlingNikki              
WP - DateNight              
WP - DeathBecomesHer          
WP - Elijah                  
WP - EnchantedGrace              
WP - EverybodyLovesChris            
WP - EveryBreath              
WP - EverydayLady              
WP - EvilAnnAndAndy              
WP - FairlyMaelynne              
WP - FairlyOtelia              
WP - FallEmbers              
WP - FallEverFriends              
WP - FlutterbyDreams              
WP - FunkyFunkyChristmas          
WP - FunkyKindOfLove          
WP - Furbabies              
WP - GardenOfHope              
WP - GiveMeWings              
WP - GiveThanks              
WP - Glamorous              
WP - GoingDeep              
WP - GoldenNights              
WP - Gothess              
WP - HappyDays              
WP - HarvestTime              
WP - HeartAndSoul              
WP - HeartfeltRose              
WP - HippityHoppity              
WP - HoneybeeMine              
WP - Hope                  
WP - Hotstuff              
WP - IPromiseYou              
WP - IrishAnette              
WP - ItsABeautifulLife          
WP - Joyous              
WP - LessonsInLove          
WP - LilBoPeepers              
WP - LoveCuties              
WP - LovesKiss              
WP - MamaAndMe              
WP - MamasGarden              
WP - MayDayDelight              
WP - MelancholyLove              
WP - MemorialGardern          
WP - MutedLove              
WP - MyBloodyValentine          
WP - MysteriousRendevous          
WP - NaturallySweet-Tagger          
WP - NewBeginnings              
WP - Nikki                  
WP - OdiesWorld              
WP - OhHappyDay              
WP - OJ CrushCollab              
WP - OppositesAttract-Dark          
WP - OppositesAttract-Lovey          
WP - OutOfTheShadows          
WP - PaddyOMalley              
WP - PaintTheTownPink          
WP - PapasSerenade              
WP - PeaceLoveCure              
WP - RacingFan              
WP - RayOfHope              
WP - RememberingLaLa          
WP - RingingItIn              
WP - RockEnvy              
WP - SantasWonderland          
WP - Shadowed              
WP - SimplySassy              
WP - SleepingParty              
WP - SleighRide              
WP - Smokin              
WP - Spookylicious              
WP - SpringIntoFall              
WP - SpringWedding              
WP - StrengthInMe              
WP - SweetMadeline              
WP - Sweetpea              
WP - SweetRock              
WP - SweetSerenity              
WP - Tenia                  
WP - TheArtOfZen              
WP - TheSecretGarden          
WP - ThinkingOfSpring          
WP - TooBeautifulForEarth          
WP - ToxicRawk              
WP - TT4NZ              
WP - VintageDreams              
WP - WalkingInASpiderWeb          
WP - WellHelloKitty              
WP - WhisperedPixie              
WP - WickedlyDark              
WP - WildThing              
WP - WintersLove              
WP - WonderfullyWicked          
WP - YeeHawBaby              
WP - YouAreBeautiful    


  1. I would be interested in some of the awareness kits. Do you have them for sale or are they free? I tried to get them but it said that mediafire wouldn't work. Could you give me any suggestions? I love your work.
    Thank you

    Pat Phelps
