Friday, August 3, 2012

New "Down on the Farm" cluster frame freebie!

Tonight I have another cute cluster frame for you. My friend Gina made an oh so cute farm kit! I always tease her because she's from Alabama down there with her cute accent and everything country! I love her and this kit :) very veratile like all her kits and fun! The example tag I used a picture of my youngest daughter Maelynne, who is now 8. This was taken about 2 years ago. Isn't she a cutie pie?

You can get the cluster frame HERE


  1. Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies (please, notice the new url for my blog), under the Page 3 post on Aug. 04, 2012. Thanks again.

  2. Aww, so cute for the young kid's pictures of visits to farm or even petting zoo. Thanks a bunch. Handmaiden Dotty
