Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Breaking the Silence - Domestic Violence Awareness FTU Kit

When I focused on making this kit, I wanted to have it center-happy stuff. Maybe renewal, and a reminder of surviving. That's why the teddy bear is the focus of the preview. The comfort my own brought to me as a kid was at the forefront of my mind. 

Yes, I was a kid who survived childhood trauma and domestic violence. I grew up in a chaotic household, and I was a teenager before we escaped. As an adult, I lived through domestic violence in a relationship for entirely too long. I came out of it, and am surviving, regardless of how hard it is some days to function. 

The reality is this: More people than you realize are living through domestic violence. It can happen to ANYONE. Regardless of who you are. Regardless of your gender identity, age, socioeconomic status, or race. It literally happens to so many. 

You never truly know what someone is going through unless they share. If you need help, please reach out for help. If you're someone who is helping someone, reach out for help.

You're not alone. 
National Domestic Violence Help Hotline - 1-800-799-7233

A special thank you goes out to my friend Jo, for the lovely wordart for the kit! You can find her blog HERE

Download the kit from Mediafire HERE

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