Friday, October 4, 2024

New FTU Awareness kit! "Cindy Lee - BCA Awareness"

Hey friends! I'm back with another Freebie for you all. This one is a new version of a BCA kit I did over 15 years ago that's no longer available. It was hideous and at the beginning of my scrapping journey. This one, I love more. 

This one is called Cindy Lee in honor of my aunt who passed away 27 years ago. She lived with breast cancer for a few years before she lost the battle. She's adored and missed always! 

Please, educate yourself on breast health. Do your yearly mammograms. Do the self-exams monthly. Don't wait, because it literally means life or death. Unfortunately, my Mom and her siblings came from a generation where women's health wasn't talked about. They weren't taught certain things. If she had been educated (even learned on her own) there's a chance it could have been caught sooner because of what sh went through I'm very adamant about these things. I do my exams and get my mammograms. I've taught my girls their importance. 

Don't wait to get the help you need! Reach out to your doctor or a local clinic who can help you. 

With that said...on to the kit! 

The kit DOES include AI elements! 

Please, enjoy! 

Get the kit from Mediafire HERE

Monday, June 17, 2024

New store, news and freebies!

Hi friends! I have some exciting news for all of you. I'm now part of the Mystical Scraps store, which has reopened as a CU store! 

I've joined Lizzie (Starlite and Soul), Lizzy (Doodles by Design), and Laura (Tiny Turtle Designs) in the store. 

We have exclusive CU to the store, you won't find it anywhere else! 

I personally have 18 packs plus 2 freebies! 

There's a big sale right now too, only .75. Come check it out! 

Mystical Scraps StoreMystical Scraps Store

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Breaking the Silence - Domestic Violence Awareness FTU Kit

When I focused on making this kit, I wanted to have it center-happy stuff. Maybe renewal, and a reminder of surviving. That's why the teddy bear is the focus of the preview. The comfort my own brought to me as a kid was at the forefront of my mind. 

Yes, I was a kid who survived childhood trauma and domestic violence. I grew up in a chaotic household, and I was a teenager before we escaped. As an adult, I lived through domestic violence in a relationship for entirely too long. I came out of it, and am surviving, regardless of how hard it is some days to function. 

The reality is this: More people than you realize are living through domestic violence. It can happen to ANYONE. Regardless of who you are. Regardless of your gender identity, age, socioeconomic status, or race. It literally happens to so many. 

You never truly know what someone is going through unless they share. If you need help, please reach out for help. If you're someone who is helping someone, reach out for help.

You're not alone. 
National Domestic Violence Help Hotline - 1-800-799-7233

A special thank you goes out to my friend Jo, for the lovely wordart for the kit! You can find her blog HERE

Download the kit from Mediafire HERE

Friday, September 15, 2023

Random Freebie! "Let's Get Steamed" & an update!

Hi all! It's been a minute since I hopped on here and shared a bit! I've been pretty busy the last few months. Between family changes and additions (welcome a grand baby!), general life and job changes, its been a bit chaotic. Good, but chaotic. 

I'm working on bringing you more freebies in the coming months. More PTU kits of course, and hoping to just post more in general. We shall see. I do have an idea for an awareness kit or two as well. So many plans!

I also am going to be moving away from my current store in the spring. The reason is, the hosting prices are going up AND behind-the-scenes stuff with the platform issues. Like many designers, I'm slowly moving over to my payhip store. Which I'll link here on my blog.  I won't be moving over totally until the spring. So you're still good to shop at either store! 
When cleaning up some files today and searching for things, I found this old kit. Old as in 8 years old! lol I figured it would be a good time to give it away as a freebie. 

Please keep in mind, my style has changed since this one. I've also taken to sizing much bigger than I did originally. So everything might not be the same quality you expect from me. 

With that said, here's your freebie! 

Download from Mediafire HERE

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Former PTU now FTU! "Love Me Sweet"

Hi, my friends!

You know, I constantly tell myself that I need to update my blog with my newest PTU kits. Then, life gets in the way and the next thing I know I've forgotten again! Maybe soon? I don't know!

All that rambling to tell you, I have lots of new goodies in my store. I constantly run sales, so you can get stuff at a decent price! Please stop by and look around. (Link is at the top of my blog)

with that said, I have a freebie! Kathy messaged me on my fan page asking about one of my older kits. Sweet baby corn this kit is 10 years old! *facepalm* I'd like to think I've grown a lot since then. You know what though? I'm glad someone still wants to use it!

Please keep in mind, the elements are smaller than what I use now. I go with larger elements. There for, it won't be the same as what you may be used to now. 

I hope you enjoy the kit!

You can get it via mediafire HERE

Saturday, October 22, 2022

I'm retiring from CDO & a CU Freebie!

Hello friends!

I wanted to let you all know, I'm retiring from CDO and my last day will be 11/30. I've been incredibly blessed to be part of their team for the last 3 years. They're an amazing group of people. It was just time to center my focus completely on my own store. I've had a lot of changes in the last 6 months and I'm splitting my time between kit-making and working with a couple of authors as a PA (personal assistant). Which I love! I get to be creative in many ways. Balancing the two jobs isn't easy, but I'm doing it. 

The fact I got to start with CDO meant a lot to me. I've worked hard for the last 13 years on improving my skills as a designer. Kelly gave me a stepping stone and I'm proud and honored to have been part of CDO. 

Since I'm retiring, there's a big sale happening! So make sure you go check it out. The link is at the top of my blog. 

Now..on to the freebie!

I was checking my FB memories like always and saw this old CU pack I had done. I no longer sell at Patty's store, and this is retired. Why not give it away? This was something I made myself in another graphics program. I made it for my ninja buddy Kayla. She is my friend Patty's daughter and such a sweetheart. Kayla is part of the spectrum. I've always tried hard to share awareness for not only Kayla, but my friends Crystal and Sarah's kids (not naming their kids without permission). Because these kids are freaking awesome, and I love them, I want people to educate themselves. Not one person is like the other in life, right? The same is to be said about Autism. Every person is different. I think it's super important to educate ourselves properly. Fight against the stigma. 

If you'd like to learn more about Autism and how to support the cause, visit the Autism Speaks website. 

Finally, here's your download!  These are full-size, commercial use/personal use (NO CU4CU!) paint swirls in png format. 

Get it from mediafire HERE

Saturday, September 10, 2022

PTU kit now FTU! Plus a note!

Hi all! 

I know I don't have my new PTU kits on here as often as I should. To be honest, I often just forget. I've gotten into a routine and once a kit is posted, this is the step I miss. Please know, that you can go to my store (the link is above and to the right on my blog) and see any new goodies I have. 

I'm excited to be making Halloween kits again!!! This is my jam, my dudes! So expect some stuff coming very soon. I shall attempt to be better about blog postings. 

I'm also a busy bee, as I'm back into working in the book community! I'm a PA (Personal Assistant ) to a few authors and I'm loving it. I didn't realize how much I missed it. No worries though, I'm not giving up scrapping. It's my therapy in many ways. I have plans to make some free with purchase kits too, maybe a freebie or two. We shall see!

Thank you also for your continued support over the years. You have no idea how much it's meant to me. My life is chaos on a good day. But I've had a hell of a lot of changes over the course of my scrapping career. Yet, a good amount of you still stick with me through support, purchases, or downloads. Thank you, so very, very much. 

Ok.. on to the freebie! No more mush!

This kit was made for an older tube of Freya's. It's no longer available, unfortunately. I do have some Freya CU in this kit though! She's a rockstar, and I love her to bits. If you haven't seen it, she's diving back into making some beautiful jewelry, and trinkets! Visit her Facebook page, Asteria's Apothecary to check out what she has available! I'm blown away by her truly beautiful art. She's an amazing artist and human. 

This kit (and the original tube) was inspired by my home, "Gator" Casper! So I wanted to share it all with you.

 Please be kind, my style has changed a lot, and I've made improvements on sizing. The kit is 8 years old. Which is crazy! Please enjoy!

Get the kit from Mediafire HERE (As of today, the link is good)

Friday, April 15, 2022

Former PTU now FTU! and a note!

It's spring, so I'm spring cleaning! I was going through my stores and found this old gem. I loved this kit when I was making it. A lot of effort went into it. Heaven knows it's a few years old though and not true to my new style. It STILL is one of my favorites though! 

I thought it would be a good kit to give away to you all. I think we've all felt like this, more so in the last few years.

Also, I'm retiring from 2 of my stores. Treasured Scraps and Mystical Scraps. I'll be retiring 95% of the kits there that are in my personal store as well. It's time to clean up things. I'll be leaving a handful that I think are still true to my newer style or are just fun for me.

With that said, those kits will all be set to $1.00! Any CU tubes that are in the other two stores will be moved to my personal store. I'm not sure about the CU packs just yet. 

The sale for all of those kits ends on 4/30. 

Shout out to one of my good friends, Patty for making room for me for years in her stores. When I needed a time out from scrapping, she gave me that space and kept my stuff there. She's amazing and I love her!
I will still be selling kits in my personal store AND CDO! 

Ok, ok, on to the freebie!

Get the freebie from Mediafire HERE

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Former PTU Kit now FTU! :) "He Loves Me Not" - Oldie but goodie

Hi ya! :) I was going through my FB memories and found this kit. I can't believe it was posted 9 years ago! I've for sure changed my style since then. I loved seeing it and figured it would be a good freebie to share. 

I was bummed when I couldn't find it on my external. But, my dear friend Patty is a scrap hoarder had it and sent it to me. Thanks, Patty, Love you!!!!

You can download it from mediafire HERE

Saturday, April 3, 2021

Freebie Alert! My Fantastical Friends Series PTU kits are now FREE!

I have more goodies for you all! I've decided to retire these, but give them away. These will be a permanent freebie on my blog. I hope you enjoy it! Download links are below each preview!

Mediafire HERE

Mediafire HERE

Mediafire HERE